Michele Cannell

Fitness professional certified in Personal Training, Wellness, CPR/AED, Cycling, Pilates, YogaFit, Tai Chi, and living with Celiac Disease.

Is it Smart to Create a Fitness Check Off List?

It is so important to create a Fitness/Performance CheckList. If you are able to check it off then you know you are on the road to optimal fitness performance. Now you are thinking what should be on that list? See below:

1. How many calories am I consuming vs.expending?
2. What is the ratio of macros that I am consuming (Protein, Carbs and Fat)?
3. What is my ratio of strength training to cardiovascular training?
4. What is my heart rate during my workout regime?
5. Do I know what my total energy expenditure should be?
6. Am I increasing this slightly as I make the workouts harder?
7. Am I increasing the level of my workouts?
8. Can I fluctuate my calories from different energy sources to mix up my nutrition program?
9. Can I fluctuate my exercise regime to burn more fat and/or more calories?
10. Do I have Energy!

If you can answer to all of these questions and you are following it correctly then you are on the Road to Performance Success. If not, start your list and start learning and checking off each item at a time. Good Luck!