Michele Cannell

Fitness professional certified in Personal Training, Wellness, CPR/AED, Cycling, Pilates, YogaFit, Tai Chi, and living with Celiac Disease.

Exercises Rated By Calories; Fat Burn and Muscle Builder

Exercise For You! Lets face it…we want it all. When you think about your exercise routine, are you getting it all? The exercises below are placed in three categories which can be put together based on what you want to accomplish. Do you want to burn more calories? Do you want to burn more fat? Do you want to build muscle? Or…Do you want it all? You can create your own program. Have Fun!

Calorie Burner Fat Burner Muscle Builder
Jumping Rope-two 10 minutes bouts
(Burns 400 calories)
Squat Thrust Series-squat Thrust with Push-ups; squat thrusts with climbing mountains; squat thrusts with spiders Push-ups with shoulder presses with chest presses
Running stairs for 30 minutes burns 300 calories Jumping Jack Series-with medicine ball lifts, with small weights to the side, hit the floor jacks Squats-sissy squats, wide squats, one legged squats
Boxing bag- combo of punches and kicks burns 300 calories in 30 minutes Plank Series- plank drags; plank get ups; plank knee ins Row Series- plank rows, alternating rows, reverse grip rowing
Walk up a hill with 10 lbs- 200 calories for 30 minutes; increase to a jog to increase that calorie burn Kettlebell Series-swings; windmills; front squat; figure 8 and Turkish get ups Core- crunches; teasers; crossovers; V ups