Effects of music on your exercise routine
The effects of music dates back to the BC era. People would use a a rhythmic pattern to complete their projects at work or at home. Once they created a rhythmic pattern they were able to complete their projects quicker and with more enjoyment. Why did people want to create any type of rhythmic patterns while they worked?
Music was banned in 2007 from the USA Track and Field (governing body). They thought it would impede competition. The runners objected and the ban has been modified. The runners knew they needed music to train for race day but why?
Music allows us to escape into another world. While your body is becoming fatigued through exercise, you are transported into another world separate from your body. Music increases your focus. The rhythmic and repetitive nature of exercise allows us the create a zone or a focus that pushes us to continue. Music perfects that focus/zone by creating an even deeper rhythmic pattern and an enjoyment while listening to it.
Knowing what type of music you should listen to is definitely a personal preference. Some similarities tend to lean toward a faster or uplifting type of music. See below for some guidelines on song selections based on beats per minute.
1. Power walking: approx. 137–139 bpm
2. Running: approx. 147–169 bpm
3. Cycling: approx. 135–170 bpm
In summary, definitely add music to your current program or try to increase your beats per minute to increase your adherence and enjoyment of your exercise selection. It’s an inexpensive and easy change to your current exercise routine.