Michele Cannell

Fitness professional certified in Personal Training, Wellness, CPR/AED, Cycling, Pilates, YogaFit, Tai Chi, and living with Celiac Disease.

80/20 Why Is it Important?

Exercise For You!

We know that to really lead a healthy lifestyle we can’t “just” exercise or “just” diet. They really go hand and hand, but did you know that your diet plays an 80% role in your healthy lifestyle? If we eat healthy 80% of the time, we will be so close to succeeding, So, what do we do with this other 20% Twenty percent includes exercise, cheat meals and sleep.

Let’s break everything down the 20%. If you eat 42 small meals a week (7 per day) then you can eat something your craving (in moderation) with 12 of those meals. Doesn’t sound too bad, right?

A further breakdown includes exercise. Exercise is a must. Consuming healthier foods will create a calorie deficit but that deficit is not all fat. Restrictive diets can lead to lean muscle and bone loss. If your exercising, you are increasing your lean muscle and your bone denisity. You are accelerating your fat loss as well-who doesn’t want to do that?

Sleep is included with that 20% as well. Every level of sleep heals the body. You want to rest your brain which will allow for less tension in your daily life; sleep repairs your muscles which will help you develop stronger lean muscles; and last but not least sleeping will keep your metabolism consistent. If you sleep less, you eat more.

Happy 80/20 commitment!