Whether you are going on vacation, celebrating over the weekend or simply enjoying a few lazy days of summer-You should be equipped to stay healthy. It’s not hard to create that emergency fitness aid kit. Just like your first aid kit-you need bandages for those days you know you won’t be active; and smelling salts for those days that you aren’t eatting well and your are feeling lazy. See below for the tools you need in your Emergency Fitness Aid Kit:
1. Bottled Water- helps with dehydration, hunger pangs and keeps metabolism elevated
2. Favorite Spice -preferably as hot as you can handle-hot sauces and spices will keep metabolism elevated. Add to all or most of your foods
3. Tennis shoes- take a walk, soak in the scenery, walk fast and slow for interval training
4. New piece of Fitness Equipment- this is two folds-meaning you will be excited to try out your new piece of equipment and should have the time (even if it is just 5 minutes per day). Examples would be a stability ball, bands, Pilates magic circle etc. Keep it small so you are okay with packing it in your suitcase.
5. Yoga Strap- just like a massage-stretching can make you feel good, it can release endorphins and is easy to add to your day.
Enjoy your vacation and/or weekend. Remember, if you create your own Emergency Fitness Aid Kit, you will jump back into your fitness routine when you return. Good Luck!